Content Marketing – Choice or Chance

June 07, 2015
Mike Dolpies

2011 and beyond… Marketing Buzzword…

Content Marketing.

What’s interesting about marketing buzzwords is how the buzz dies down.

Sometimes the buzz dies because the marketing idea is just a shiny object with no staying power.

Believe it or not – even with all the shiny objects – this happens less than you think.

Most of the time marketing buzzwords die because eventually everyone realizes to get the real “buzz” – real work is needed.

Content Marketing came on the scene as a buzzword in the small business world a few years ago.

Fact is… Content Marketing has been around for 100’s and 100’s of years.

Any message communicated to any audience with the intent to persuade and inform is content marketing.

Without content – there is no marketing.

But because we live in a time when folks are consuming six hours per day of digital content – the thought process is…

Why not carve out a tiny piece of the large six hour pie with your own content?

Content Marketing!

Blogs, Social, Email, Mobile Apps, Website Content, Video, Audio, Reports, White-Papers, Menus and soon enough… Virtual Reality Content Marketing.

The list is long and each list has sub-lists.

Fact is content marketing is really simple.

A blog, an email newsletter, Smart Facebook Marketing, (or one of the many other social media outlets that has your target) a Decent Website and a Mobile App will keep you busy – AND – be more than most competitors are doing.

But here’s the thing…

Content Marketing WILL happen even if you don’t make it happen.

Data is compiled about your business every day. It’s put out there on the web through various sources.

I came across a business that did auto-restoration  – that was listed as a plumber on Google… HUH? It happens!

If you do some enough volume…. Eventually someone will leave you a review… or two, or three on Google or Yelp, etc.

The fact is content will be present about your business online.

Content Marketing is about how you control the narrative.

Start with the basics…


Blog/News/Recent Projects

Email Marketing


Then… move on to a Mobile App, do some video and keep evolving.

Two ideas for you this week…

For help with on-going blog content… As in Don’t Lift a Finger and blogs just appear…

Content Marketing

Then… Influence your online reviews and reputation in a simple and ethical way…

Online Reputation Management



About the author

Mike Dolpies Mike Dolpies (aka Mike D.) owns “Ocean View Publishing, LLC” - a diverse media/Internet Marketing and Consulting Company. He started his first business when he was just 18 years old. By the time he was 23 that business had generated well over a Million Dollars in sales and was consistently in the top 20% of its industry. He's the Author of 6 different books. His first book, “Motion Before Motivation, The Success Secret That Never Fails,” became a bestseller on He's been a guest on the Fox Morning News several times and has been written about in many newspapers. His work has also appeared on and Fox

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