2018 was the year where things stayed the same

January 02, 2019
Mike Dolpies

Happy New Year to You!

Here is to wishing your business an amazing 2019!

It seems like 2018 was the year that “not much changed.”

Sure… Alexa, Google Home and “Voice” reached critical mass.

But does voice have the widespread adoption?


I know all the SEO peeps are talking about how important it is now to “optimize your site for voice search.”

The most amusing “new thing” of all?

Facebook Portal and the Google and Alexa devices with the screens.

“Wow… video calling on a device that remains in the same place!”

“Revolutionary!”  Ha, Not really.

As things change slowly around you. As some new concepts take hold and others quietly go away… stick to the principles of a solid online presence.

About the author

Mike Dolpies Mike Dolpies (aka Mike D.) owns “Ocean View Publishing, LLC” - a diverse media/Internet Marketing and Consulting Company. He started his first business when he was just 18 years old. By the time he was 23 that business had generated well over a Million Dollars in sales and was consistently in the top 20% of its industry. He's the Author of 6 different books. His first book, “Motion Before Motivation, The Success Secret That Never Fails,” became a bestseller on Amazon.com He's been a guest on the Fox Morning News several times and has been written about in many newspapers. His work has also appeared on Entrepreneur.com and Fox Businsss.com