They Want You to Wander

January 30, 2012
Mike Dolpies

Did you know most online activities are very “task” oriented? Meaning.

People go online to find a restaurant or book a trip or search for a local service.

That’s why online lead generation works. Someone is looking for info. They find you. You make them an offer and they say “sure.” Over and done with. You call them and they come in. Or, if you’re selling online they hopefully buy.

But there’s one place on the net that’s not “task oriented.”

In fact it is totally about wandering. About getting lost. About 5 minutes turning into 25 minutes.

You know where that is?

Facebook. Yes – I sometime get lost wandering around and if you’re one of the 800 million Facebook users you know what I’m talking about.

I’ve been doing a lot of Facebook ads recently for both myself and clients.

Here’s what I like about it.

I’m old school!

Believe it or not Facebook ads remind me of direct mail marketing.

Meaning: One way to do direct mail is to a “cold list.” That’s a list you purchase. Done correctly you can get phone calls and generate business. You can also “warm up” the list via multiple steps.

You choose your cold list by demographics and geography. Or, if your pool of prospects are big enough you can get lists of magazine subscribers and many other “selects.”

But here’s what’s great about Facebook Ads…

Yes you can choose a radius around your business (like you would with direct mail). You can select certain demographics” (like you would with direct mail).

Where it gets better is you can dig deeper.

Say you knew that your best prospects were iPhone users. (Yes – you know know stuff like this). Well, you can target them on Facebook.

The message is you really should be exploring Facebook ads for your business. Remember your ad needs to interrupt them. And it’s OK, because they are wandering around. They are expecting to be interrupted.

Now go interrupt some prospects while they are wandering.

About the author

Mike Dolpies Mike Dolpies (aka Mike D.) owns “Ocean View Publishing, LLC” - a diverse media/Internet Marketing and Consulting Company. He started his first business when he was just 18 years old. By the time he was 23 that business had generated well over a Million Dollars in sales and was consistently in the top 20% of its industry. He's the Author of 6 different books. His first book, “Motion Before Motivation, The Success Secret That Never Fails,” became a bestseller on He's been a guest on the Fox Morning News several times and has been written about in many newspapers. His work has also appeared on and Fox