Your Facebook Business Strategy

April 02, 2013
Mike Dolpies

If you pay attention to tech news you know that – rumors are swirling about the possible announcement of a “Facebook Phone.”

Reports say – it’s not really a “Facebook Phone.”

Just an HTC Droid that gives Facebook some prime real-estate and features.

I have no idea on the details but I would bet it is basically “deep Facebook integration.”

Maybe the long-term goal is for Facebook to be the hub of your digital communication.

And because Facebook is the “World’s most widely read, relevant and up to the minute newspaper” your HTC Facebook phone would be your source for “information.”

What do you think?

So that leads me to today’s topic…

First: I have been using Facebook Ads since 2010. Helping clients with FB Ads since 2011. Wrote a short little book on the subject in 2012. still learning, testing and tweaking in 2013.

The point I try to drive home with all my clients and the audiences I speak to about the subject of Facebook Ads is…

Facebook Ads can be really simple… (Yet frustrating and complex).

However – “The first step in simplifying the complex is to change your perspective on how you look at it.” (That’s a good quote – huh?)

How you look at Facebook marketing goes back to something Zuck said the last time Facebook made an announcement.

He talked about Facebook as a “newspaper.”

The first step to simplicity is to think about Facebook like a newspaper but remember ads on Facebook are just much more targeted!


“Business Pages Rule!”

This is the another point of confusion.

I had a quick FB chat with a guy who runs a Facebook Group with 1000 members.

That’s fine – and groups have their place. However – Groups are really not meant to be the hub of your business’s Facebook Marketing. Many limitations.

Facebook has set up it for business owners to really benefit from having a business page.

When properly worked Facebook Pages can create a direct line of marketing to your “audience/likes.”

I know – Facebook is not about “Selling to your likes all the time.” Even though I am not “Mr. Social Media Guru” – I understand that.

But what you must work to do is “assemble page likes.”

One goal on Facebook Marketing is to attract the most targeted people to “like” your page.

I can them – “Suspects.”

Facebook users who “fit” the possible profile of people you would like to do business with.

Of course as you assemble them – you’ll have to develop, maintain and properly execute a “Social Media Content Strategy.”

Your social media content strategy can be a mix of fun, information, entertainment and ideas.

Most importantly, the majority of your Social Media Content MUST “come from within.”

As Facebook time progresses you’ll see how the small business who can make the ads platform work will be the one who get the most out of Facebook.

Yes – I know – there will be exceptions!

Back to the “Nobody Likes You.”

I am not sure what the “industry stats are.”

But based on the research I have gathered – most small businesses have less than 300 page likes.

Facebook Ads marketing ideas

Ads done right produce a “like spike!”

Yes – there are exceptions.

But most have under 300 or under. Maybe you have more – I don’t know.

The reality is 300 page likes is NOTHIING when you think about the true power of what you can do with a “properly assembled” tribe of Facebook “Likes.”

You can have 1000, 2000, 3000 or more followers on Facebook.

If you get to 1000, 2000, 3000 or more – don’t you think you’d have more impact?

You just have to decide you want to make the most out of your Facebook marketing and then proceed in the right direction.


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About the author

Mike Dolpies Mike Dolpies (aka Mike D.) owns “Ocean View Publishing, LLC” - a diverse media/Internet Marketing and Consulting Company. He started his first business when he was just 18 years old. By the time he was 23 that business had generated well over a Million Dollars in sales and was consistently in the top 20% of its industry. He's the Author of 6 different books. His first book, “Motion Before Motivation, The Success Secret That Never Fails,” became a bestseller on He's been a guest on the Fox Morning News several times and has been written about in many newspapers. His work has also appeared on and Fox