Why Buy Facebook Likes

January 07, 2013
Mike Dolpies

There’s this constant question that is thrown around in social media guru land, marketing circles and small businesses networking events…

The question is… “Are Facebook Likes really going to result in making the cash register ring?”

The simple answer is yes.

So then the next question comes up…

facebook like button

facebook like button (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

“Should we buy likes?”

But that is the wrong question.

The better question…

“Should we invest in Facebook Ads marketing to get the right Facebook user to ‘like’ our page?”

The answer is… “YES!”


Some gave a mighty hard time taking the next step.

And that is…

Developing campaigns and strategies to find and attract the right Facebook Likes.

So why buy likes?

Let’s clarify. We are not talking about fake likes from far off countries either! We’re talking about real people. “Suspects,” as I call them, who fit a profile of someone likely to do business with you.

What you end up with is some interesting results.

Last week I saw this on one of my Facebook Ads client’s pages.

facebook ads marketing

It was an inquiry. I did a little detective work and saw that this individual recently “liked” the page. They “liked” the page because they saw a targeted ad. See how it works?

But why else would we buy likes?

The real power in using an ad strategy to build targeted page likes is so you can eventually target your “likes/fans” directly with…. You guessed it… More Facebook Ads!

And please do not get me wrong. This whole concept of combining Facebook Ads, Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing is not about being “salesey.” It’s not about being “in your face.” It’s about inviting someone in and then doing your best to keep the conversation going. In some cases you end up with the conversation leading to the ringing cash register. Naturally, not all of the conversations will lead to that “Cha-Ching” sound, but enough will to keep you in the black!

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About the author

Mike Dolpies Mike Dolpies (aka Mike D.) owns “Ocean View Publishing, LLC” - a diverse media/Internet Marketing and Consulting Company. He started his first business when he was just 18 years old. By the time he was 23 that business had generated well over a Million Dollars in sales and was consistently in the top 20% of its industry. He's the Author of 6 different books. His first book, “Motion Before Motivation, The Success Secret That Never Fails,” became a bestseller on Amazon.com He's been a guest on the Fox Morning News several times and has been written about in many newspapers. His work has also appeared on Entrepreneur.com and Fox Businsss.com

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